




Pulmonary heat cough and asthma in children is a common disease, it can cause children to cough and wheeze. This disease is often in the first few years of school began to break out. The cough and wheeze caused by pulmonary heat cough and asthma in children are caused by bacterial or viral infection. They often lead to inflammation of the respiratory tract, making the cough and wheeze more pronounced. The symptoms of pulmonary heat cough and asthma in children also include fever, sore throat, runny nose and headache.

Treatment of pulmonary heat cough and asthma in children there are many, but oral liquid is the most commonly used treatment. The composition of the oral liquid can be adjusted according to different situations. The common ingredients are aspirin, compound glycyrrhiza, mulberry, hawthorn, mint and lemon. These ingredients are helpful in the treatment of cough and wheeze. Aspirin has a significant effect on relieving cough and wheeze, compound glycyrrhiza can help digestion, mulberry can help prevent cough.

The most effective way to treat pulmonary heat cough and asthma in children is to achieve the purpose by drinking oral liquid. Oral liquid is usually diluted with water, and children can drink it several times a day. If the child coughs very badly, drinking oral liquid several times a day can obviously relieve the symptoms. For the treatment of pulmonary heat cough and asthma in children, oral liquid is the most effective solution.

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