





We all know that diarrhea is very painful, and sometimes it will leave sequelae. So how to avoid sequelae after diarrhea?

First of all, what we need to do is to keep clean. No matter washing hands or washing face, we should clean them thoroughly with clean water. We must wash our hands before diarrhea, especially the hands contaminated by food. Wash your hands before and after meals. Do not touch food with dirty hands, which is easy to cause food poisoning. Secondly, we should eat more vegetables and fruits and less meat. Eating more vegetables and fruits can help remove toxins from the body, while eating less meat can help reduce the burden on the body. In addition, we should also drink more water and eat more light food. Water can help remove toxins from the body, while light food can help the intestines and stomach recover normal function. Finally, we should pay attention to keep warm. After diarrhea, the body will be weaker, so try to avoid cold.

In a word, to avoid sequelae after diarrhea, we should first keep clean, eat more vegetables and fruits and less meat, drink more water and eat more light food, and pay attention to keep warm. Only in this way can we avoid sequelae after diarrhea.

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